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APPEAL TO BELIEVERS IN Christ JESUS: I am asking for all who believe in the Christian world for your prayers, and support so that Almighty God
may have this nation back as a whole people "One Nation Under God." and Indivisible.
Please support this cause for America sake and Our Children's future for the purpose God intended Us for.
Help Me bring back to God Almighty as One Nation Under God again... and to the rest of the citizen in Muslim faith and others let us be beholding to the creator of this world for which we live on We call Home so that
we as a peoples may live within our faiths with Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Hindu, and many others without violence in trying to convert Us as a People to One Religion or You.
Under my watch this Government will Be Fair according to A Higher Source.
as free peoples for all THE people, that is what "WE The People" is about. Mdj

Thank you for visiting my page here at Angelfire.
Allow me to introduce my self.
My Name is Michael Don Jenkins and I am running for the office of
President of the United States in 2016. A campaign year of differences.
Now many of you are asking your selves why this guy is running for President of the United States of America Now.
Don't he know he can't win as an Independent? I have faith in the American people when they see wrong the change it condemn it and send it away for good.
Some say people are just wasting their vote on a no winner.
I thought It was that we the people VOTED Our Conscious and Not because of a Party Line.
My Reason
is simple, I was born here and my children were born here and my grandchildren were
born here and I want all the generations that follow born here to remain free from
those whom would do us harm in any form or fashion. I desire my family and yours
to prosper and keep walking towards the future with confidence that this nation of
peoples will one day not have to look towards its security but know it is secure by
God's grace and the world's respect as they follow in our footsteps. (Ecc 3:13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it [is] the gift of God.
((Yes there is a God, how do you think the events leading up to this nation got started otherwise. Just read what the founding fathers of this nation believed in "In God We Trust" by Norman Cousins, Harper & Brothers Publishers NY.(It had a great Impact on my life as an American citizen.))Ecc 5:19 Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this [is] the gift of God.)
And also that our world leadership is providing right moral, not interpreted ones but, by examples for others in the world to see, envy
and emulate, knowing that if they stick to the path which we do and stand as we do that then they as a people will also have their future secured as well. Life, Liberty and Good Will towards our neighbors is a must as it is commanded of us by those of us whom trust and believe in The Creator of all things.
But some do not however, the Majority still rule in this nation.
Lev 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself: I [am] the LORD.
Mat 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Mar 12:31 And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
But Still! Evil is evil and Evil tries to Control what it wants and it still exists!
Thus, Protectionism is a Must and that takes a Military Force to Prevent Attack or Repel and Interject by striking back at those who have attacked Our Sovereign Nation of People trying to solve our problems
and some of the world’s Problems while Protect Ourselves.
"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation,
One is by the sword. The other is by Debt" – John Adams
To Take A Stand: Means to produce that which is good and honest and forth right, especially for the American
people. To do justly and fairly unto all without hate or prejudice or begrudge, to no
longer condone or permit a way of non-beneficial impact to one’s person or persons. To stop a crime against the people.
To Seek Truth and Justice for all. It is the American Way! It
is what our great grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers fought Wars for and spilled their blood FOR YOUR Rights! YES, your rights and your right to make a positive difference with The Life Given to YOU!
To prosper without fear of greediness from others whom would deliberately take advantage of your circumstances for their own gain, to walk your neighborhood streets in safety, to express your opinion without fear of reprisal! To not be brutalized by Law Enforcement or the Military here at Home or any other government agency unless provable Laws have been broken.
AGAIN, I AM NOT A PERFECT MAN NOR DO I PRETEND TO BE. I AM A CITIZEN AND I DO KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG FOR THIS NATION AND IT'S PEOPLE AS I AM ONE YOU. HOWEVER, that which is not a Crime committed AGAINST GOD, moral or immoral or immoral , THE STATES, AND THE NATION is between myself and God and is remitted to Privacy as a Constitutional Right for Myself and my family as A Citizen not for the media nor the citizens of over righteous judgmental persons and other politicians OR THE OPINION OF THOSE WHOM FEEL THEY SHOULD INTERJECT INTO MY LIFE WITH THEIR VALUES,
for God said ":Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.",
"Luk 6:37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:",
" Jhn 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." FIND OUT THE FACTS, "1Cr 11:31 For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged."
Like the Lord Jesus I have but to say... Jhn 5:30 I can of mine own
self, I can do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the
will of the Father which hath sent me.(In my case if appointed by God and You The People of this nation this coming election year in 2016.)
In our political system we elect officials through delegated votes as a Republic of Peoples to represent our needs and desires for this nation as a whole, to place us in a path to where our children will have favor to prosper and express their liberty and freedoms and
this is what our founding fathers put in place as a government to represent us as a people.
Not by Religious Edict or self-established powers that be but
through our conscious minds. Not by Dictation or Military Rule but by
Our Electoral College to which to supposedly vote for that candidate that carries that state through popular vote! It is set up to make each registered candidate pay for that privilege as a candidate as a citizen through that legally registered voting system that the majority vote of each state through popular vote of its citizens.
We have the right in this nation to speak with those representatives as individuals or as a body through petition or public debate or Assembly and Invite.
If they do not listen to the majority rule, The Populace of the Nation, then they should be removed from that office as quickly as possible within the system and replaced with popular vote in that representatives’ area as some one that will give an ear to the people’s needs.
As an elected official they should become the people’s tools for making a difference for their selves and the nation as a whole.
Help me help You by electing me to the Office of the President of the United States this November 2016 with a simple write in the name Michael D. Jenkins on your ballot.
I pledge that I will represent the people of this nation and not special interest groups, political bodies or individuals that only care about themselves.
We are Americans and the government belongs to us and us alone its citizens.
Lets send a strong message to Washington we want our country back from those whom would try to destroy us from within.
From those whom claim they will represent us and wind up not doing so from both the Republican and Democratic parties. Yes, you read the news each year and all we see it higher taxes, more spending and less service from our officials and war.
Vote for me Michael Don Jenkins a working class candidate for President of the United States, I will not fail you!
I will find a way to resolve the people’s issues with this established government of today and turn it around to serve the people and build a safer nation for our children and children’s children.
If you feel I am right, then VOTE FOR The Michael D. Jenkins Campaign a working class candidate.
Only those whom We have elected or appointed are qualified to judge because we trust them on our behalf however, when that Trust is misguided or taken advantage of it is time to make a change and it is the citizen affirms that judgment so that the citizens prospers by that judgment through our elected officials. It Is Our Constitution Way We Live By!
" Judge not lest you be Judged" Right?
Most People want to be judged by the good they do not the bad. Right!
Give me four years and then Judge me. Tell your neighbors they have a choice! I can do the job for the American People.
NOTE: I choose not to use Government money to run for President as it has way too many ties to party affiliation through the Registration process for each state, so I am asking for donations and contributions and word of mouth to strike a blow for freedom and rightness for the American People across non- party and party lines. I am asking for Popular Vote! A true Constitutional America by Citizens Election.

I was Born in Fort Worth Texas on July 29th 1952 to parents from the Great States of Texas and Oklahoma
Father of five daughters and one son all gown and educated and My son served Honorably in The United States Army Now productive citizens here in the USA.
I Served in the United States Air Force 1971 to 1974 during the Vietnam Conflict.
Attended the University of Texas, Tyler 1995 to 1997 and now a Student at the University of North Texas 2016-2018 as well as various Junior Colleges from 1974 to 1997.
I work, pay taxes (and don't ask for it back unless it is demanded of me by the government), I help people,
seek guidance from above, desire that my children will have it better then I, Love, Laugh, Cry and Bleed, and show gratefulness just like you America.
Why run for President of the United States, You might ask?
I believe as a citizen in my sixties some years now, that a People's rights to a Grass Roots Campaign is welcomed finally due to the current turmoil of both the Democratic and Republican parties We American’s see in the News, much like the Tea Party Movement recently but Independent. This is for TRUE Change on The Hill from what we know today. What is being passed today is not always fare to the average citizen and the middle working class is starting to take the hit to support the rich while not being able to support themselves. THIS IS NOT GOOD!
Not on my watch should this happen and if you put me in charge as Your Commander and Chief I would delegate Equally and fairly to the best of my ability. Equal means Equal to all.
It will take a big step to change things between the people and the government of today.
As a write in candidate I will make that difference happen.
How can I make a difference for you and your family?
By challenging congress to do the right thing for the people and exposing those whom refuse to represent you rightfully!
By auditing all of the Governments Holding and making it public to the people, It is your Right to Know!
By bringing down the budget and the spending of this government and placing the people first and those whom have served before allow those whom have legally applied to immigrate to Our nation. ,
By Informing through Television and Radio, The people What Our Financial State is and What We can Do to Improve Our Status In this World to better Our conditions.
To address Our enemies and combatants that Our resolve will Not be Hindered Nor Halted for any reason but to work with those whom desire to follow Our Path to be a World of Promise and Safety.
To bring back the American Dream so that the World Would Envy and Desire to be as We are.
To Show by Example That We as a People Are Right Standing with The Creator as a Majority
To Honor Our Agreements with Our Allies to Stand with and Help with the Adversities of Others desiring to conquest through Invasion or violence in those allies’ Part of the world and to bring down and justly apply Rightful Law to those whom dare to commit Crimes against The Human race and protect the Rights of Sovereignty as a peoples.
To explore methods and gain resources within the cosmos for the benefit of all Humans upon this Great Earth We have.
To protect Our Home Our world and its environment that it will last greatly beyond Our greatest grandchildren’s Lives.
These are Just a few of the things I stand for if YOU ELECT Me as Your next President of the United States In 2016.
Because I am running as an Independent Candidate for the
American Working People if no other reason because the voice of American people has fallen of deft ears in Washington these days.
Our political system today slants towards partisan politics and non-cooperation resulting in impartial changes that usually effect the poor and the working middle class more for the rich every day! I Pledge to change this so if elected by you, the people to get us back to where we should be as a nation with right values.
We the People, have always liked getting things done and not wasting allot of time or spending allot of money in doing so all through our history. But these last few years have been phenomenal! Do you Not agree? Pour Rights as citizens are being exploited and Our Freedoms Hindered. WHY???
All too many times when we as a nation are in need or great need the two party system we have today
falters acting to slowly, selfishly or not at all! This generates Fear and Caution within Our peoples.
Many times bickering and pointing fingers at each other acting like two year old not getting their way while the damage is being done. This Must STOP! Healthy Debate is One thing however Fill abusing to gain control and it is a Power Struggle.
And sometimes they do nothing at all! This also and always causes allot more damage in the long run.
America, Am I not right or wrong? Have We Not Seen It!
We get laws passed but not all of them are productive towards the American people.
They benefit special interest groups and lately the Government has become a special interest group run by the two party system and the elite whoever they maybe.
I believe that we should not live beyond our means as a nation so that all of us will not suffer. That is not wise. And Credit is not sovereign because sooner or later the bill must be paid! All because of Easy Credit.
Haven't you not seen this for the past 50 years gathering us up to pay one big bill in the Trillions?
They add unnecessary bi laws on to legislature through taxation bills causing us problems further down the line for us as a peoples to Pay for. Mostly giving to the richer and taking from the poor in the long run.
Yes, Congress and the Senate are human beings elected by you as well. Yes, I and other humans make faulty decisions and some mistakes consigned to habit but as a
nation with information at out finger tips, We Can Make Better and More Rightful Informed Ones for the good of Our Children and Grandchildren’s future as a nation which not only will
help us presently but will also help our children's and children children's future. Making those right decisions today
will make our future more promising tomorrow for our children whom have right to live here after we are gone in this world,
My Moto is "Nothing is Impossible!"
We are a peoples of great potential for good, freedom, humanity and higher prosperity for all. WE have Looked Out beyond Our very own sky and see the riches of the Universe ready to be Picked as Our own Or Bartered to be Our own.
We are leaders in many aspects of life amongst the world's views even today!
A nation still sought after for hope and a better life by many in this world and we welcome that as citizens of this nation for our future citizens to come yet!
There are still many frontiers left to discover, Which Means Jobs and wealth for us all.
But we are losing ground to the rest of the world in competition through bad treaties with foreign competitors of lately not to mention low incentives to be better in the Education of our Children. Space is Just One of those possibilities. It already is taking a toll on us as competitors in the world and it has to stop for our children's sake within a peaceful forwardness or they will have no America to depend on for safety nor any way to pay for it.
In teaching the world to compete with us we are falling behind and beginning to lose sight of our own goals! We are falling behind in education, quality production and research and develop in products which others would want to buy!
Once not long ago everyone in the world wanted an American built Automobile. Not anymore.
This is an answer to your Prayers concerning This Election America. I have asked God to let me run so You have a choice
other than Hillary or Trump. As One Citizen to another hasn’t the Republicans and Democrats failed You American,
You are in debt greater then anytime in History of this Nation and In danger for a Possible civil War or worst a World War III !
Many say that an Independent Cannot Win the Presidential Election. This Is the United States of America and anything can
Happen, for We Are Free and Self Aware! I have HOPE in America. We are not slaves to the government WE The People
perpetuate a government who says if it is wrong and unjust to be proud of your heritage or to speak out loud with
God in Public or fly your flag showing your patriotism.! To threaten You if you cannot afford Health insurance
because It is a Tax. We Owe the Federal Government Noting but Choose to Allow it to function.
Government officials are Hire, repeat Hire! To work for You NOT the other way around!
If elected by Popular Vote and America it needs to be over whelming in order to allow your Voice to be Heard!
If you’re Not for Hillary and Not for Trump Then Vote Independent, Vote Michael D. Jenkins for President. A write in
Candidate! By writing in on your ballot Michael D. Jenkins will be for the safe secure future of Our Home we call
the United States of America. It is your right to vote for one of your own not allowing only the two Party system to
screw you again and again and again! Like part of the disastrous Iran deal, President Obama surreptitiously sent a plane full of cash – $400 million taxpayer dollars –
to the Islamic Republic of Iran so they can by better bombs and rockets and guns to Kill Us with.
As A Veteran of USAF a Working Stiff Like You America. A Student University of North Texas Criminal Justice Major and a past student at University of Texas Tyler in Fine Art.
We can Take this nation back to be Secure by Americans for Americans Our Home Sweet Home. A gun 2nd Amendment Supporter,
A sworn Constitutional protector and A God fearing Religious man. A believer in peace first as God's will involve.
But a protector of this nation's people and to never Leave a man behind Policy. To provide through congress a strong Military
to protect the shores of this nation from New York to L.A, and from Canadian borders to Mexico's borders to
keep us free and safe on Our Streets. To Not tolerate insurrection form and organization who incites riots or
mayhem. A President who will listen to the People of the United States in a Peaceful Manner Provided it has the approval of the majority of citizens.
A selector of good Godly Moral Judgment People for the Cabinet of Federal Offices.
To provide American jobs for American Citizens and to Provide Health Care for Veterans and Citizens in all ethnic stature.
If you approved of what I am promising You American as a voting citizen of the United States and You feel the Democratic
and Republican parties have failed, you then Vote for Me Michael Don Jenkins to be your Next President
in 2016 for the security of our Home, our boarders and our Sanity We Call the United States of America.
Share with your friends as much as FACEBOOK will allow you to and let them know They have an Alternate Choice for
President this Election. Vote Independent! Vote Michael Don Jenkins Gainesville, Texas for President in November 2016.
My Vice President to run with Me Would be Nancy Kay Jenkins My Wife whom is a Citizen of 65 years and An Attorney at Law N. R, Carlton Law Firm in the Great State of Texas. She has been sponsored to practice in Federal Court so she knows the Law of this Land. She would be an inspiring woman to Help We the People Get back on the right track by Hard Honest work and hard faith while practicing her Faith in the open.

The Statement of SEPARATION OF CHURCH FROM STATE IS A lie! Yes Congress shall make no law promoting any religion however,
they did state that they shall not inhibit any religion of the people either. It is the people's choice not the governments.
First Amendment: An Overview
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression
from government interference. See U.S. Const. amend. I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of
speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of
association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights.
The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only
expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV.
Two clauses in the First Amendment guarantee freedom of religion.
The establishment clause prohibits the government from passing legislation to establish an official religion or preferring one religion over another.
It enforces the "separation of church and state Only by the Federal Government Promoting such a religion or by any State in the Union."
Says nothing about a State Government doing so.
Some governmental activity related to religion has been declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court.
For example, providing bus transportation for parochial school students and the enforcement of "blue laws" is not prohibited.
The free exercise clause prohibits the government, in most instances, from interfering with a person's practice of their religion including display through freedom of Speech.
Billboard signs and nativity seen during the Christ Mass Season is Freedom of Speech.
No matter how offensive it might be to an individual it is not their right to inhibit someone right to freedom of speech.
It is the most basic component of freedom of expression is the right of freedom of speech.
The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government. The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech.
A Preacher or Minster is using that right of Free Speech at the Pull Pit.
Citizens are gathered in a peaceful assembly allowed by the State to hear free speech as it is their right to do so through their right to religion.
A less stringent test is applied for content-neutral legislation.
The Supreme Court has also recognized that the government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence.
For more on unprotected and less protected categories of speech see advocacy of illegal action, fighting words, commercial speech and obscenity.
The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message.
The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place.
Despite popular misunderstanding the right to freedom of the press guaranteed by the first amendment is not
very different from the right to freedom of speech.
It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination.
It is part of the Constitutional protection of freedom of expression.
It does not afford members of the media any special rights or privileges not afforded to citizens in general.
The right to assemble allows people to gather for peaceful and lawful purposes.
Implicit within this right is the right to association and belief.
The Supreme Court has expressly recognized that a right to freedom of association and belief is implicit in the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments.
This implicit right is limited to the right to associate for First Amendment purposes.
It does not include a right of social association.
The government may prohibit people from knowingly associating in groups that engage and promote illegal activities.
The right to associate also prohibits the government from requiring a group to register or disclose its members or
from denying government benefits on the basis of an individual's current or past membership in a particular group.
There are exceptions to this rule where the Court finds that governmental interests in disclosure/registration outweigh interference with first amendment rights.
The government may also, generally, not compel individuals to express themselves, hold certain beliefs, or belong to particular associations or groups.
The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances guarantees people the right to ask the
government to provide relief for a wrong through the courts (litigation) or other governmental action.
It works with the right of assembly by allowing people to join together and seek change from the government.
We as a people deserve to be led by those whom know the US problems from the street, The People's Values and trust in US not themselves only.
People that have learned from their mistakes through trial and error in life. From others through
their past mistakes without political involvements, Yes, Common Sense Law Applied Here Folks! What
our Grandparents had and the generations of Americans before them!
When things go wrong and those of us whom do not do right for the people or cost the American Tax payer
unrighteous harm should be held Legally accountable for their
actions, such as House Votes that does not
benefit the nation as a whole. Unbalanced budgets that dose for individual people or companies of great wealth whom hire lobbyist to sway our elected representatives whom work for us. They should be held Legally Responsible. We need to watch over the watch dog so to speak.
Our Political
process is simply a tool for us as a people to use for our benefit. Not for it to
be used against us as a nation or any individuals or groups that does not
reflect the best interest of this nation's people as a whole.
Yes that includes gays but I believe not in marriage. Why have we gone back on Our values in Marriage that were design for a man and woman not man and man or woman and woman. What can be Produced from this. Love??? Intimacy??? Family??? Sorry folks that is not the norm of equality. Policy is only good for those whom adhere to it with them and not as law excepted in ownership.
So Our Laws should reflect this in their ordination with morality for all and equal treatment by the majorities approval. Not a Minority approval.
This does not mean to expel or to harm or to Shun away but rather to show compassion for. What goes on in One’s Home is Not any of Our business Unless a crime has been performed. This maybe somewhat counter to Gods Way However He also Told Us to Love Our Neighbor Remember. This does not mean we are perfect as a peoples but what it means is we reach for perfection as best we Humanly can, using guidelines give to Us as a species. And yes, we may miss many times but we keep trying.
What is wrong with that? To be the best in the entire world! A Morality Must Be Established. Without it You have a type of Anarchy. To set an example for the world to follow it must be lived! why?
Because we are a prosperous people, happy most of us, to the most possible extent of living as we know.
Today we seek change and have found chaos and confusion in our economy and it zaps the strength out of us as a nation.
There are many issues today and they seem to be mounting but America will get through them. We have in Our Past.
President Obama is doing the best he can as we did elect him but, know he has thumbed his nose at The American Constitution and continues to do so, Yet I feel we are still going down the wrong path again and again as a nation
which could lead to our future destruction from within our
sovereign nation's borders. The UN want us to lay down Our arms so we can be helpless to what may or may not happen.
That could dissolve into wishful thinking someday for our children's freedom. Unless We do something today Others in the UN would like to control our destiny and resources and I say Hell NO!
China wants Our Land to produce for their own people.
Rights of the people will be a
thing of the past an as debit slaves to other nations while laughing at us even starting today.
I pledge not to allow that to happen any further and fight with every breath to prevent it from happening even to our greatest grandchildren who now Owe 18 Trillion dollars to foreign Bakes and Governments.
I pledge that Living Human Rights will be upheld as an example to the rest of the world to follow not to be dictated to as we set the example for all to see and allow them to make that choice.
And those whom desire to do otherwise will find themselves without trade, isolated from prosperity and possibly even peace. Some are getting richer from this process and the middle class people, The Back Bone of America are getting poorer or disappearing all together.
Our power to make decisions for ourselves is being stripped away through the Supreme Courts System and Bad Business Owner Policies whom consider themselves law makers.
self interest groups and corporations no longer home based in this country stepping on the
fringes of the American laws to make their own policies violating the rights of Americans every day.
Big business and Big Banks are gobbling up our pay checks at an alarming rate so we can't save a thin dime while forcing us to live on daily credit but talking billions of our hard earned taxed money and investing it not in Us the USA but other nations for their personal profits ventures. And buying off adversaries to keep them at bay so they get richer! What a waste of tax money.
Monetary systems can only produce so much wealth and that is al! It is not finite people! We can Go Bankrupt!
Today we are not respected as a nation of peoples nor are we considered the greatest nation on earth any more but we have
been compared to the late Roman Empire Being Satanic in nature and just plain wicked, evil doers.
Why? Because we are a free people and free thinkers earning our liberty with blood, sweat and tears but lately these
freedoms are being erased allowing others to make discussions for us and other
nations can see this deadly erosion which are our allies around the world.
The truth is you and I know who we are and what we are all about. We prove every day through our hard work and hard play. Through our giving to charities and helping our neighbors. But the rest of the world does not see this because of the world media. So We are Judged and told we are bad [people.
We are a family of peoples whom serve the greater good of a nation for the purpose of
survival of the world a planet and its peoples for which we are members of.
Remember what John F. Kennedy asked of us? “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.”
Step Up To The Bat Folks! It’s worth It.
We have made enemies along the way true However, in our past this has changed from enemy to friend and back again.
Best example is Russia at present.
Once our devout enemy the former Soviet Union and sworn adversary to the end,
now even though we do not always agreed and are tested, but we are allies still the same in this world today.
It is in ours and theirs best interest.

I repeat My Motto is "Nothing is Impossible" and nothing is Impossible Unto God Almighty.
We are a great people and we can and still and will do great things but we need to get back to basics first!
That is what got us to the Moon in July 1969 by setting a basic standard by President John F. Kennedy. The New Deal set by President F.D. Roosevelt. 1930s. If We have the Will We American’s can Do Anything.

It’s Time this nation gets back on track and stops playing around hoping for miracle and start making
miracles happen. We know how to do it! But complacency has begun to set in like, if only we did this or that. We must start getting some
things done for our future citizens and not our enemies’ children to walk in and take it with little or no fight!
And while at it there is another war being fought one we cannot see and we are losing there on that front line as well. Let’s not make that mistake it will be Devastating to Us.
If elected I will pledge to the peoples of the United States of America
to honor the needs of the People in a way
that will give respect, dignity and prosperity in a rightful moral attitude for their security to be
enhanced and further guarded, this allowing the people protected liberties for the good of
the nation to be envied by others in the world.
***To serve the people as their President (Chief Executive and Commander in Chief) and to find a way for Congress and The Senate to Cooperate without political gain or Partisanship. To re-examine the laws of the land and adjust them fairly,
to examine the infrastructure of the Federal Government and adjust it to fit its citizens needs with fairness while hoping the states will follow the lead.
I will seek industry to return to the United States for the benefit of the people with free enterprise to further help the small businesses in this nation grow and develop in the spirit of entrepreneurship while cutting out the greedy who drive prices up.
To research and develop of new products and industries helping us become innovators again in the world markets.
Send a message to Washington. You Work For me!
+++I have never held office nor ran for any political office in my life. +++
+++I have done some things in my life I am not proud as most humans have I am human and I Have learned right from wrong and continues to improve, correct and seek guidance from above. +++
But I will State this to you the People of the United States. I will be and do the best for the country and do everything in my power as President to help us be greater than our past while helping us live longer with pride and security equally for our children's future.
Vote for me in November 2016 for President. YOU will not regret it. Place my name on the ballot as a write in Candidate and if it's not there already. Send a message to Washington D.C , you VOTING FOR MICHAEL DON JENKINS in 2016 NOVEMBER 4th ELECTIONS WRITING ON YOUR BALLOT FOR PRESIDENT SELECTION, and We are Taking back Our Nation.
If you do not know how just ask attendants.

The rights of every American citizen will be protected by law under the law without reprisal or discrimination as the Constitution provides.
There are many Illegal Immigrants in the United States today. Obama has allowed them in since 2008
and possibly before with acceptance form his administration. This is costing the American people
allot as the government keeps giving away the benefits we earn as Citizens. This is plainly Wrong!
As best I can tell No Illegal Immigrant is required to become a citizen that Obama has allowed by
Busing or Flown to their current residence in whatever state they are in. That was U.S. Tax Money
Illegally spent and as far as I can tell Not approved by Congress. Many of these people whom have
broken Our Laws of Immigration cannot understand that It is the Law of Rule that they must apply
to enter this Nation legally. They Know it is wrong and because of whatever circumstances maybe in
their home nation they choose to do so any way. I am not against any person who wants to come
to this country to make a better life for themselves and their families but It must be done according to OUR LAWS!
As President of the United States Like Trump I will complete a wall for Port of entry. This will greatly reduce the sorrowing over Our Boarders.
I will purpose to Congress the following,
1. Enforce Our Immigration Laws at present until Amended to those whom brake the Laws of this Nation and if convicted with automatic deportation never to return. Period.
2. Lower the entrance fees to an acceptable rate. Lower other immigration fees to acceptable and affordable Limits.
3. To build a wall for Port of entry from the South and a larger control of the North and Western boarders.
To Not Close the Boarders as this will cause greater turmoil in Immigration.
4. A 3-year Patronizing program to indoctrinate all Incoming Immigrants with a twice a year
review for Immigrant Progress. Which will allow a background check through application at
a U.S. Embassy to be verified and re-verified.
5. All fees must be concluded before swearing in as a citizen.
6. A mandatory enlistment for all adults under the age of 30 to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States. A draft if you will.
7. Any Immigrant who applies for a business Must employ 3/4s of their company employees must
be citizens of the United States for the first 5 years they are in business with ethnic diversity.
8. All Income Taxes must be reported on time without failure to the IRS as well as State Taxes.
9. Social Benefits will only begin after Indoctrination is completed.
10. Welfare will Only be accepted after Indoctrination as a citizen of the United States.
11. Oaths of allegiance will be proven by a signed contract and volunteer work for 2 years.
12. All religious beliefs shall not be Published without full approval from U. S. Homeland Security.
13. All Immigrants will attend a once a month class at a University or Junior College on Diverse
Cultures in the United States as an Understanding of those cultures and tested for
knowledge of those cultures during Indoctrination process. (If no college is present within 20 miles of the City or Township, Federal Aid will be supplied to the City or Township of
residence of Immigrant or Immigrants to conduct such courses through accredited training.)
14. All laws of Immigration, Federal Government, State Government and Municipalities or Legal
Local Residences shall be obeyed without reservation within the Constitution of the United
States and Federal Guidelines within Federal law.
15. Any Amendments to any Law or Guidelines shall be observed and adhered to while processing through Indoctrination.
The fore mentioned policies shall be approved by Congress within One year of submittal of Policy.
Any such violation of Law Congressional Approved for Policy shall be met with Automatic
Deportation of the Immigrant to which a 30 day hold incarceration in a Federal Facility shall
be reviewed by a board of Immigration by which a grant of Appeal shall or shall not be
received by the Special Circumstances Appeal Board.
If such Judgment is not favorable the Immigrant shall never return to this nation for application
or entry unless approved by Special Circumstance Appeal Board listed by the Department of
Immigration Legal Department and Enforced by Department of Homeland Security through
the United States Supreme Court.
A Congressional Committee consisting of the U. S. Attorney General’s office, a Legal
Representative of the Lower Courts in each State as assigned through Lottery and a U. S.
Senator with a U. S. Congressman with Aids for all shall be appointed for the Legal and
Ethical Legality guidelines for Immigration Status and Granting for Entry through this
process into law for the United States via the Constitutionality of law of the United States
Government to Amend current laws or add to current laws of the United States for Immigration purposes.
My Plans...
Let me start off first by saying I am running for President of the United States of America as a write in
candidate in Nov. 2016 and I will need your vote come then.
Getting America back to work is the major issue for this nation so here’s the plan with your vote and God’s will it will happen.
We have been all through our history and innovative nation of products and goods.
We have lead the world in purchasing power until this century all because we have a dream and have been blessed of God to pursue that dream.
We have magnificent research abilities such as the world has never seen with many aids and universities at our disposal.
We are Americans and we have an imagination that can span the universe.
We as a nation favor right from wrong and there fore we go after the bad guys to bring them to justice.
We are not a divided people but a solid nation for which we stand.
We seek a better way to nearly every thing that is produced by man on this planet and improving our quality of life.
Our industry is quite capable of super production if the need is there as we have proven in our past.
The world is putting out some 14 billion tons of pollutants in the atmosphere and water causing death and diseases each year.
Currently the Clean Air Act is Not clean air.
I am purposing that our industries re-gear up in a united effort for a full clean up of this planet starting with
research and development of devices, systems that are self cleaning and safe storage areas away from
this planet to keep pollutants out of the reach of the life on this world. Ways to regenerate resources we
already have in place and new ones that can be found and improved on for safety and health for the welfare
of the people. Through this National Plan the research will begin with NASA and private industry
partnering together while hiring millions of citizens training for purposeful jobs with in that industry and
private sectors in support of this initiative to preserve and protect our environment and its life on this
great blue ball we call earth. Federal funds will be directed to states and private sectors that show in
good faith the promise of achievement within a 2 year period and guaranteed federal loans and grants for
start up and improvement and within the private sector of this nation only. Legislation will have to be
passed and public support will be needed to aid this government through direct contact with this
government. A new Department combining Humans Resources and Development and Scientific Departments will be needed
to allow this initiative to take hold. This would mean security support through the private sector
supported by the federal, state governments and will have to closely guard with federal laws and guidelines will
have to be passed in order to achieve this initiative under a secrecy act as an enlisted partner with
the government and its citizens. It will open new industry and support old industry. It will clean up
this planet and be a product and service for which the world’s nations will want to purchase to provide
for their peoples. It will need the support of the rich and the poor of this nation and the full
cooperation of this government as the benefits its will be immense. It will be citizen owned with stock options
to be sold for retirement purposes.
It will take us to the out skirts of our solar system and for further resources our species will need.
It will secure our world and future generations through our hard work and entrepreneurship. It will be the largest
humans undertaking since World War II. It will have the deepest impact this nations will have ever seen in its history.
It will take outstanding vision and support of the people behind a selected leader by the people and for the people.
I summit my self for this post as President of the United States of America.
My Name is Michael Don Jenkins I am running for President in 2012 as a write in candidate.
Please support this very important effort to get us back to our Promise of Life, Liberty and Justice for all. This Initiative will truly be a blessing from above.
Thank you all.
The Fair Employment Act bill.
1. An employer will not force any employee to pay to work for their company
2. An employer will not make any policy that will violate an employee’s Constitutional Rights or State Rights or Civil Rights.
3. An employer will pay a fair compensation for a job description and duties to be preformed accordingly without reprisal.
4. An employer will not charge for tools or uniforms required to represent that
company in order for the employee to discharge their duties.
5. An employer will not muzzle or silence an employee for their right to freedom of
speech without due process.
6. An employer will not engage in political lobbying to surrender the rights of the
citizen under Federal or State rights.
7. No member of the Government will engage in private or public opinion
the surrendering of rights of the employee.
8. No employee shall be forced to surrender his or her rights to any Union or pay for
such rights as an employee of any company or union.
9. An employee has the right to negotiate for higher wages without reprisal set by an
annual timeline for review.
10. An employer will be held responsible for the safety of any employee and maintain
a reasonable safe record to be enforced by the federal government at all times.
11. An employee will comply with all safety regulations set by State and Federal standards for such companies.
12. An employee once hired will comply with fare standards to report to work
without interference or interruption of company production unless excused by medical reasons. The employer will then offer medical and retirement benefits to the employee after sixty days of employment according to law set by State and or Federal Government standards.
13. An employee must notify his or her employer two hours before reporting to work
if unable to perform duties assigned by the company within their job description.
14. An employer will assign duty descriptions for each employee that fits the job
description written and handed to the employee with a signed agreement that
each employee understand their duties without moving the employee out side
of that job description to perform other duties unless volunteered by the employee.
15. The employee will acknowledge their duties assignments according to the job
description to perform that function within the company and meet all
qualifications according to the job description and federal and state standards.
16. Volunteer Unionism will only be given by majority consent for employees and
agreed upon by Federal standards for such union to exist for bargaining
rights as a whole body of employees.
17. Each Citizen has the right to work within the United States of American and if
such citizen is seeking employment from a company or business they have
the right to bargain for assigned standards of wages set by the federal
government for that job description accordingly, presented by the
Social Security Administration of the Federal Government according to job
skills needed to perform that job skill level.
18. A company business will be taxed according to the job skills needed to produce
their product to support education to produce more skilled personal to enable
them to produce that product and upgrade that product within the Federal
Work Skills Standards guidelines.
19. An employee has the right to ask for and receive training provided by the
Business to perform their tasks and duties in safe and reliable job
performance without denial from the company.
High cost educational programs will be subsidized by the Federal Education Program to absorb some of
the cost for a company applying for such educational Programs for their
employees. An education program will be sought after by the employee
through selected Human Resource directors of a business to provide the
skills needed for the employee’s job performance and with such skills added
after education completion and a said two year agreement to perform trained
duty skills for the companies’ investment in the employee to add to the quality of their profits.
20. An employer must give a two week notification to an employee before
termination of that employee unless witness by others as a violation of policy
intentional and deliberate by such employee to cause damage or sabotage or
injury to others employees and documented with reasons for such
termination of employment.
The documentation must be kept securely for seven years for review or grievances of such termination. Only a legal law
firm or government agency or law enforcement agency can have access and
at no time is the Media allowed access unless brought before a legal court
presented before a judge to be petitioned for release of said documentation.
21. The federal government will allow for amendments according to the safe
standards and legal system to enforce afore mentioned act without detracting
any rights legally set and agreed upon by the government and private business through this Act.
The Reservists and Veteran's Guaranteed Act
Any reservist already trained who is not deployed due to Government policy
would be placed into the regular armed service for
a 2 year enlistment or commission. Like that of a draft yet with benefits.
REASONS: They already have the qualifications and the government would spend less money. Less dependency on civilian enlistments, then they qualify for regular military benefits from the Veterans Administration and gain more help as in employment and medical care.
Any Veteran who served this nation for more then 180 days will automatically qualify for benefits from the VA and in addition will receive a $10000.00 credit for a home purchase or down payment waver for the purchase of a home to which they will live.
I have one main concern in foreign policy right now and it is the dismantling of the State of Israel. Through IS or any other Middle eastern government that would try. War will be waged On these heartless cowards who Kill children and women by this barbarianism of beheading. My policy as Commander and Chief will be a Harsh one for those whom would Kill in the name of their religion foreign or domestic.
They will have Law brought to bear upon them in the World Court for their murderous ways.
Who are we as a people to involve our selves in the splitting up of the State of Israel or any other nation without consent of the majority of the people of that nation.
In 1947 this nation
voted in the United Nations Assembly a YES to secure the State of Israel! This would make us Liars and un-honorable as a nation of people if we help take it apart.
We do not have that right! If Israel had not existed today we would be in
World War III already!
Let it be known I am a pro Israel Candidate because the blessings of this nation were
begotten by the Creator of the Universe whom did so set up and guided these peoples to be worldly priests for God and the Lord which many of us hold true today. And which Jesus (Yeshua) was one of Israel’s greatest citizens in history ever.
Like black Americans before the Civil War in this nation's history who lost their lands and then recovered after the war was long over through many years in which many cases were given back to their family names in ownership after being stolen by carpet beggars.
And so Israel's lands were taken away from them by foreign enemies then dispersed to local nomads Arabs and Persians and whom call them selves today peoples of God
also, Yet would destroy their bother to secure the land as their own when it was never abandoned in the first place.
There were still Jews left in the land mixed with Arab and Egyptian blood then and now.
Through out all of man's history Persia has been making war against the people of earth.
Make Peace with Palestine yes if it can be done but not at the cost of that nation's peoples.
Make no mistake, this would be worst then the Holocaust which some deign even happen.
This would most certainly lead us into WW III and secure a definite end time which this species does not need to go to.
There is plenty of room in those deserts in the Middle East for millions of people to
which could be called Palestine. Iraq, Jordan, Egypt. Let us as a nation not make this mistake. Work with Israel and secure our future or it could cause our end and WW III.
I believe this with all my heart!
Through our prayers and hard work we can postpone the end times and prosper as a people under the creators hopes.
As to the Middle East Conflicts I am calling on the United Nations to consider an alternate Program to have Jordan, Iraq and Egypt donate lands for the Palestine People.
Allot of desert can go along way and the UN can help them produce food and irrigate that land to satisfy their needs. It’s not that hard.
OUR ECONOMY:The wrong of it and what we can do to reverse it quickly.
What Every American citizen should know!
SOCIAL WELFARE: Currently our welfare system tends to just allow anyone whom applies for it to get it without any concern of employment only a promise to apply once a week in most cases.
I purpose that the Job Corps be made to accept those whom apply to serve two years and to serve locally within their community so that they may be able to furnish them selves the experience and pride of workmanship here in the United States and to help build Our communities for the right reasons.
I have many other ideas witch are under review with local and State and Federal legal Constitutional Laws to apply to help straighten the path of this nation's work force for a fair deal as a greater more beneficial America.
The Number TRILLION:
.$1 trillion = $1,000 billion or $1,000,000,000,000 (that's 12 zeros)
..How hard is it to spend a trillion dollars? If you spent one dollar every second, you would have spent a
million dollars in 12 days. At that same rate, it would take you 32 years to spend a billion dollars.
But it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend a trillion dollars.
..And now, some scary facts about the debt and the deficit -- some basics:
..Deficit = money government takes in -- money government spends
..2012 US deficit = $1.33 trillion
..2013 Proposed budget deficit = $901 billion
..National debt = Total amount borrowed over time to fund the annual deficit
..Current national debt = $15.3 trillion (or $49,030 per every man, woman and child in the US or $135,773 per taxpayer)
News article Yahoo News "12 Scary Debt Facts for 2012", on 02/17/12
Scary Debt Facts of 2016-17...We now owe 18 Trillion dollars as of 2016 and Foreign governments who loaned us the money are wanting their money or Put us outta business. We cannot let this happen. Some have suggested to give American Land in exchange for the debt. No Way! Not on My watch.
By Electing me simply writing my name on your ballot where the President vote to be cast would be. and on the Day of swearing My Oath to administer the office of President of the United States I will Freeze the Treasury Account and see What We Have in the bank and Make it Public to the American people.
This is something all Americans need to know before casting your vote on November 6th 2012.
I have addressed the plan to get us out of debit and stay
out above.
If a candidate does not have a plan to get us out of this then they do not deserve YOUR VOTE! Think Carefully America! It's your future they are playing with...
Green Energy